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The interactivity of these new media is perhaps the most important difference. You can't have a conversation with someone through a newspaper. But you can do it on social media.

You will have to produce content that is authentic. It's often difficult to tell the difference between marketing hype and reality.

The biggest challenge in social media is the two languages. One is where you are talking to someone you already know and the second is with someone you're trying to get to understand. We need translators to help us bridge the gap between the two languages.

We must be cautious that we do not become a brand for only connoisseurs. We want to reach out to people who are yet to discover us. We must ensure that our content is appealing and of interest to both types of people.franck muller replica watches This is a major challenge for us.

Wilhem Schmid, the CEO of franck muller replica watches shares his thoughts with us in Singapore at the brand's ION Orchard store.

How can a brand that is so deeply rooted within the traditions of classic watchmaking make sense of what the modern consumer wants?

Since 1845, we've been doing the things that we do.Rolex Daytona Replica The challenges of today are not the same as those we faced in 1845, when there were wars, recessions and depressions.

We are reminded by our motto Never Stand Still to maintain the right pace. Although we have a traditional approach to watchmaking, I always make sure to remind my team to never stop learning.